The fact that bicyclists have none of the protection vehicle drivers have makes them extremely vulnerable on British Columbia roads. Even with wearing helmets, victims of bicycle accidents can suffer catastrophic or even fatal injuries when struck by cars.
Increased Car Accident Costs and Rates Concerning for ICBC
According to recent statistics from ICBC, car accident rates in British Columbia are at an all time high. The numbers have prompted the release of an online tool, the Drive Smart Refresher Test, aimed at helping people refresh their knowledge of car safety and avoid a car accident themselves.
Keeping Pets Loose in Vehicle Can Increase Car Accident Risk
Whether it’s an occasional trip to the vet or a daily drive together, most people travel with their pets in the car from time to time. However, many do not take the correct precautions to avoid a car accident when travelling with an animal.
Are You a Canada Day Drunk Driving Accident Victim?
The arrival of summer, along with the Canada Day long weekend likely brought celebratory moods to many people in British Columbia. Because this typically goes along with alcohol use, the police teamed up with ICBC ahead of the weekend to enhance enforcement of campaigns like CounterAttack that aim to limit impaired driving.
ICBC Benefits Can Help After a Debilitating Car Accident
Anyone in British Columbia who is insured with the Insurance Company of British Columbia may find comfort in knowing that their damages will likely be covered, regardless of who was at fault. However, what about someone who is left debilitated by a car accident?
What You Need to Know About Boat Safety
Warmer weather means that more British Columbians want to be outside. With the ocean and so many rivers and lakes at our disposal, chances are good that you’ll find yourself on the water at least once this summer.
What You Need to Know About Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Part 2
For people living with a traumatic spinal cord injury and those who love them, understanding the scope of the situation and knowing what to expect can be complicated. From understanding the care and treatment process to learning about research and trials, being armed with the right information can be empowering and essential.
What You Need to Know About Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Part 1
There are 86,000 people living with spinal cord injuries in Canada and by 2030, projections estimate there will be 35,000 more. Given that spinal cord injuries do not discriminate and can affect anyone, it is important to understand what is involved.
Protecting Youth Against Preventable Brain Injury This Summer
As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, the natural inclination is to spend more time outdoors. Between summer sports and social gatherings, there’s no shortage of activities to participate in.
Who Is Responsible for A Distracted Driving Accident?
Who is responsible for a distracted driving accident? As it turns out, it could very well be the person who sent the text. According to an insurance and legal expert, an individual sending a text message could be considered liable if they knew that the recipient was driving.